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Saturday, August 4, 2007

Forex - Currency Traders Marriage Survival Tips

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Trading in the foreign exchange (FOREX) market can be a lonely experience for both you, the trader, as well as your spouse. As a currency trader, you can become so engrossed in your investment activities that you forget to take time for the basics of life such as marriage, family and everyday fun. Consequently, unnecessary tensions develop in the home. If your marriage is in danger of being rocked by excessive trading, follow these easy tips.

Recognize Your Spouse
Now, this sounds simple and easy enough, but surprisingly, many traders fall into the trap of being glued to the computer and trading platform that they are totally oblivious to their surroundings, including other people. Few things are more insulting than to be ignored by the one you love and have dedicated your life to. Don’t leave bright lights on while your spouse is trying to get a good night of sleep while you trade. If you get up early to trade before your spouse awakes, take the time to say good morning with a hug and a kiss before you send the spouse out for your daily Starbucks brew. Better yet, spend a few minutes talking about the plans for the day, including a get-together later on towards the end of the day.

Share Your Trading Experiences
While your spouse may not be well-versed in FOREX trading, most people understand the concept of making and losing money. Certainly, if you are regularly trading in the FOREX market, you are doing one or the other. Sharing the results of your activities with your spouse may give them a better understanding and, perhaps, a greater tolerance of what you are doing. After all, you will need someone to help you spend all those big bucks you are making, so be sure to include your significant other in the loop. Taking the time to discuss your trading activities can also give you some easy credit toward valuable communication necessary to nurture and grow a relationship. Just make sure you are equally conversant about other topics also. Talk with your spouse about your trading can also help to put a sizeable dent in the famed 10,000 and 5,000 words-per-day quota attributable to women and men, respectively.

Do Not Trade Rent Money
As a matter of basic caution, you should never trade currency using money other than risk capital. The FOREX is a high-risk market. Losing precious money intended for basic necessities such as food, rent, diapers and utilities can send a marriage into a tail-spin quicker than Paris H. left jail. If you have not yet amassed enough risk capital for trading purposes, then stick with paper trading until you can afford to trade real money.

Be Honest About Your Losses
Once you have attained the admirable quality of communicating with your spouse about your trading activities, you have a further obligation to do so with honesty. Embarrassment or shame over a financial loss can make you try to hide the fact of the loss from your spouse. But remember, relationships are not just about sharing your victories, but also your defeats. Sensing your need for support, your spouse can be a powerful force in helping you to emotionally and psychologically cope with your losses. Incidentally, a spouse may also motivate you to exercise better judgment where you may have become to close to the problem to be completely objective. Remember, stronger marriages often emerge where the couple has weathered the dark storm together and held on until morning’s light.